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The Rising Preference for OPD Benefits Among Corporates in 2023

OPD Benefits

In the dynamic landscape of corporate well-being, a distinct shift is discernible – a shift that underscores the growing significance of employee welfare. The year 2023 serves as a pivotal juncture, witnessing a remarkable evolution in the realm of employee benefits. Amidst this transformation, the spotlight shines brightly on the escalating preference for Outpatient Department (OPD) benefits. Let's delve into the reasons that fuel this trend and illuminate why OPD benefits have become the crown jewel of corporate well-being strategies. 

1. The Changing Landscape of Employee Well-being: 

As revealed by an insightful Aon study, 8 out of 10 companies have heightened their investment in employee well-being in 2023 as compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019. This shift isn't just a numerical change; it signifies a profound acknowledgment of the changing needs and expectations of today's workforce.

2. Empowering Proactive Health Management: 

In the post-pandemic era, preventive healthcare has surged to the forefront of priorities. OPD benefits serve as a potent tool in this regard, empowering employees to embrace proactive health management. Through regular health screenings, consultations, and early detection, employees are equipped to nip potential health concerns in the bud. 

Empower Proactive Health Management

3. A Comprehensive Approach to Employee Wellness: 

Well-being is no longer restricted to the realm of physical health. Mental well-being has taken center stage, and OPD benefits, especially when supplemented with mental health support, embrace a holistic approach. This holistic well-being strategy positively impacts engagement, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. 

HR discussing with employees about holistic well-being

4. Customized Care for Employees: 

The needs of different segments and age groups are significantly different with a higher focus on family and the impact of being a caregiver. This customization in OPD ensures that employees receive care that aligns with their individual requirements, amplifying the effectiveness and relevance of the benefits. 

Doctor providing customized care for a corporate employee

5. Fostering Employee Loyalty and Retention: 

The incorporation of comprehensive OPD benefits stands as a testament to the organization's commitment to employee welfare. This engenders a sense of loyalty, bolsters engagement, and plays a pivotal role in retaining top talent within the company. 

Benefits of OPD Coverage  

  • Comprehensive OPD Coverage: The inclusion of a wide range of outpatient medical costs, spanning consultations, tests, medications, and other services, addressing non-hospitalization expenses for the entire family to manage common healthcare costs is the need of the hour. 

  • Extensive Cashless Network Access: The OPD cover usually allows us to choose healthcare providers from a wide network of hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities on a cashless basis enabling improved adoption and seamless experience. 

  • Promoting Preventive Health Practices: By covering the costs of regular health check-ups and screenings, OPD benefits encourage prioritizing preventive healthcare measures. Early detection of health issues can lead to better outcomes and lower healthcare costs in the long run. For eg, a breast cancer lump detected early can not only save a life but also allow the user to lead a healthy and normal life in the future. 

Why Cashless is the Way to Go for OPD Benefits 

OPD support on a reimbursement basis has been available in India for 10+ years. However, the requirement is only today picking up in popularity because of the wider availability of cashless interventions. Following are some of the key benefits of cashless: 

1. Financial Freedom and Reduced Stress for Users: 

Cashless transactions unburden employees from the financial strain of bearing upfront costs. This financial freedom translates into reduced stress, allowing employees to focus on their well-being without fretting about expenses.

Man being stress free and happy

2. Reduction in Cost of Servicing and Higher ROI 

A cashless facility comes with economy of scale enabling the customer and the provider to enable direct cost savings across the ecosystem via economies of scale, thereby, enabling better ROI of the OPD benefits.

3. Reduction in Friction Leading to Quality of Care & Reduced Administrative Costs: 

Cashless transactions lead to lower effort for the end user and higher quality of care from trusted and reputed service partners. Because of the lower effort to leverage the benefit, it also improves adoption and engagement while also reducing the overhead effort for the administration of the benefit.


In the intricate tapestry of corporate well-being, the ascent of OPD benefits and the integration of cashless convenience create a compelling narrative. The year 2023 spotlights the dual importance of prioritizing employee health and embracing technological progress. This symbiotic trend not only elevates employee engagement and holistic well-being but also solidifies organizations as vanguards of modern and caring workplaces. 


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Somak Ray is a multi-talented professional with extensive experience in the insurance and healthcare industry working as a VP of Operations at ekincare. Somak is a force to be reckoned with in both fields. He's passionate about sharing his insights on work culture, customer feedback, and the evolving healthcare industry.